Archetypes In Shrek

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What’s that in the sky? A bird? A plane? No, it’s the sidekick! Wait, something is wrong with this situation. It should be the hero who is getting recognition and hype from curious spectators while the sidekick is ignored, but this is not how it should be. The importance of the loyal retainer is so great that without them, the hero would not be the person with such power and nobility. They should not be ignored completely, and authors, directors, and creators have come to this realization that a loyal retainer makes for a great story. This realization has created an archetype used in many pieces of literature across time and cultures everywhere. A loyal retainer has the task of showing a hero’s power and nobility; therefore, this character …show more content…

This archetype demonstrates the human nature of being social just by itself. Humans are naturally social creatures that understand the social benefits in having a companion in life. People get married, have partners in projects, and do so much more that seems only possible if there is the help of another person. The same goes for characters in stories. In Shrek, Shrek is skeptical to having the company of Donkey on his journey. Ogre or not Shrek still sees the benefits of having Donkey on his journey because he has the mind of a human. The human nature that a loyal retainer displays is so relatable to many people from many cultures that it is obvious why this is a recurring …show more content…

Whether this is to show the hero’s power or to help with a task the retainer is there to do it. It is also important because it facilitates a reader’s or viewer’s understanding. A hero’s power and the importance of a loyal retainer cannot be seen without the loyal retainers presence. Also, not every viewer or reader can relate to the hero, so placing a companion in the story attract more attention. If a loyal retainer is taken away from any sort of story, then things are hidden and seem unreasonable. The importance of this character archetype is as important as any other character in a story. A loyal retainers job in a story is to show the hero’s qualities and to assist on the hero’s journey in a story. Compared to all other character ideas, a loyal retainer has become a character archetype for many reasons of importance. It is a common action of ignoring the sidekick in any story, but this simply shouldn’t be the case. Both the hero and sidekick in any story have equal importance because without one, the other cannot be as great or exist. Many writers have adopted this idea because of their realization of its greatness that it brings to a

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