Archetype Theory: The Role Of The Hero In Myth

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Throughout history, humankind relied on mythical tales for moral, spiritual, and psychological support in daily life. It is agreed among scholars that all myths must poses certain common aspects to appeal to the listener, as Cyril Myrong points out the essence of Joseph Campbell’s theory: “the role of the hero in myth is universal and that myths help to instruct individuals in charting a course for their own lives.” (Myrong 363.). It also known that the Archetype theory of Carl Jung is reflected in our daily lives. Carl Jung’s theory applies to ancient and modern myths reflecting our need for justification of our needs, desires, and deeds. Among many myths in history two works stand out the most for their complexity in topics, multitude …show more content…

It reflects how a person wants to portray themselves to those around. The Mask differs depending on what circumstances the person find himself in. It serves to protect from the outside and to assert self-worth. It can also address fears. Additionally, the Masks are shed according to particular needs when the circumstances change. This transformation of a Mask is vividly shown when Grima Wormtongue throws down the palantir from the Orthanc tower: “. Another instance of powerful transformation of Personae is the journey of Eowyn from a nurse to an old, broken and perhaps mad king, to an anonymous warrior, and lastly to a true shield maiden as is her right in defeating Nazgul: “no man can kill me… ‘I am no man!’”(find citation from the battle and her saying these …show more content…

It is represented in the ancient and contemporary myths in several ways. One of these is the existence of pantheon of Olympus and the Grey Havens, and what these represent, aside for Animus/Anima as stated above. Both of the perfected worlds exhibit all of the positive attributes people wish to achieve, are striving for, and see in themselves. Each person feels connected to the perfect abode, or the perfected being, because it addresses how people perceive their own positive characteristics. These pantheons are also closely connected to what people want to project to the world around. Projection of Self reflects the yearning for quality of life, the perfect home, perfect community, and better world (a subjective idea to each person’s desires). The positive attributes the gods and elves represent are the various self-projecting masks people wear even to view themselves. This is where the deities’ and the elves’ anthropomorphic essence is appealing – this similarity brings connectedness to people. This subconscious self-projection affects which choices people make in daily life, and what ideologies people associate with. Each person wants to be portrayed and accepted in the most favorable light. Regardless of what paths person takes, the end goal is to advance, to have a better chance of surviving, and to make a mark on the world

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