Intuitive Photographer Essay

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An intuitive photographer as construct does not really exist right? The concept is merely a paradigm, dreamt up by some right-brained photographer trying to garner attention for bizarre and no doubt outrageous work. An excuse to be different. Or is it? Does the archetype of an intuitive photographer make practical sense and what does it mean exactly?

In this 21st century we find ourselves bombarded from all angles with data and images. Information is now so pervasive that it has created the need for a new code of conduct whereby social media and instant gratification are close second cousins. We are more involved than ever with people, especially people who are not physically present, yet on one level we are in danger of becoming permanently …show more content…

As corny as it sounds try to listen to that inner voice. Ask and you will be answered. Not necessarily in a male American accent, but certainly in sensory form. If you are not sure about a particular shot, need some inspiration or innovation about the pose or landscape, or even just looking for a yes/ no answer try checking in with a part of yourself that is intuitive to discern the answer. Be attentive to any hunches you might feel. Technically try making circumstantial decisions based on questions. In your mind's eye verbalise questions all the time. What is the best possible angle, what is the optimum lighting, how far away should I be from the subject , when exactly should I take the photo etc. Trust the answers you get intuitively. Ocassionally try something completely different. As a photographer you will always use a specific, dominant eye to look through your view finder. Occasionally try taking a shot using your other eye, you might be suprised at th …show more content…

Yes really. Try mediating and be prepared to be surprised. Not only will you become a better listener and more self-aware, but it will also empower you to unlock your most original and authentic inner thoughts to provide a novel and true perspective. Your creativity and innate ability to become both reflective and introspective will steadily but progressively improve.
Become attuned to synchronicity. Work on aligning your external and internal environment and be cognizant that sometimes we receive subtle signs in life that can act as a powerful guiding force. Suspend judgement, and view coincidence as a form of communication, if you like a modern form of hieroglyphics, a kind of sacred language through which the Universe chooses to communicate. You will be surprised as how often you find yourself in the right place at the right time.
Be in the moment. Engage with your subjects with jest and enthusiaism. Understand that we are all connected in some way, all of us are participants in a universal play. Literally everyone has their own story to tell. Use your camera on the day and in the moment to articulate and capture compelling storytelling imagery, coupled with your own specific creative signature. Enjoy each shoot as it

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