Aquinas Cosmological Argument For The Existence Of God

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In this paper, I will argue that God exists because nothing can be its own cause. Chains of causes and effects occur, but in order for a chain to occur, there must be a first cause. God is the first cause, therefore God exists. Throughout this paper, I will talk about God as an ultimate being but I will not relate to religion. Whether you relate to Allah, Krishna, Jesus, etc. I will only focus on proving the existence of God.
Everything happens because something along the way causes it to happen, in other words, there is a first cause. God exists because there must be something rather than nothing, therefore existence has a cause and God is the cause. Thomas Aquinas argued that everything needs a casual explanation for things that are caused. …show more content…

If not God, then what is the first cause? In order for something to exist, it must have a start, something to cause it to occur, otherwise it never occurred. Thomas Aquinas’ Cosmological argument for the existence of God, he believed and proved that cause and effect is the work of God and God is the cause of everything. This point is very difficult to dispute or even doubt. Aquinas based it off the idea that as a group of humans we have acquired the need for an explanation to everything, nothing is without a reason, and God is the explanation to the first cause. First I want to prove that there must be a first cause to everything. Say you found a dog in front of your house one day. You wouldn’t just say, “Hello dog. Where did you come from? I assume from nowhere.” No you would look for a reason, or a cause as to why the dog is there and where it came from. Did someone leave it for you? Is it lost? Did it just appear from thin air? You start looking for reasoning, whether it be a physical cause the dog is there, a psychological cause, or a supernatural cause. It is not likely to deny the Principle of Sufficient Reason, which states that everything must have a reason or a cause. If you think about it, none of us would be here without a cause, …show more content…

A simple explanation is that if there isn’t a reason for a first cause then everything in the universe is unexplained. If there is no first cause then everything is like a chain with links holding onto each other, but there is nothing holding onto the chain. There cannot be an infinite chain of sustaining causes because assume for contradiction that an infinite series of links exists on a chain. We can have a chain that uses two different types of links, a steel one and a bronze one and no two similar links are linked together. From that we can conclude that if we remove the bronze links, the steel ones can be rearranged so that no steel links are linked to another steel link. Logically this conclusion is absurd, so we can conclude that an infinite series of links cannot exist. Here is another analogy. Suppose there is a newspaper that tells you about all the news happening in the world and you want to read a copy of that newspaper. You ask your neighbor if they have that newspaper. They say no, and that they have to get it from their friend. Does their friend have it? No, they have to get it from their cousin. Do they have it? No, they have to get it from their teacher, who has to get it from another teacher… etc. However long or short this chain of newspaper borrowers may be, you would only get it if someone actually

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