Aphra Behn Research Paper

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Love is one of the most powerful forces in our universe. It is the one thing, that we hold on to when there is nothing there. Yet love can also be destructive force. Something that can destroy all our dreams and inspirations. Destructive love will drive people to revenge, insanity and even murder. Love is a drug. It’s the air we breathe. It is so powerful and addictive, people hopelessly lose themselves in it. Love makes people vulnerable to manipulative, seductive, lovers whose solely interest is themselves. These lustful vampires, are looking for their next meal and won’t hesitate to sink their fangs into their next victim. They are ruthless, careless, emotionless, their only drive is pleasure. It’s pleasure that will make them break their …show more content…

She writes libertine (open minded, sexually explicit) poems from a female perspective. Behn was an English novelist, dramatist, and poet born on December 14, 1640. She is the first English professional writer, which means she writes to sell. Behn’s writing and her life are scandalous for her time. She claims to have been married to Johan Behn in 1664, whom then passed away by 1666. She became a widow, and then was employed as a spy by the Netherlands, soon after she goes bankrupt and begins her writing. Behn’s writing style puts women in a different category than the norm. In her writing women are able to be sexually explicit and clever, they don’t need the help of …show more content…

Women were considered sexual objects but they weren’t allowed to used their charms to get what they wanted. The concept of sexual vixen wasn’t spoken about during that time. Women were also considered to be innocent, dumb, and very gullible. All of these qualities are what Behn fights to change. Women to Behn are smart, clever and are better liars then men. To change this view, Behn tends to write in the female perspective on male topics. The speaker of the poem, could be seen as male. Because the topic is sexually explicit, and the speaker is a clever manipulative lover. However, there is nothing that signifies that the speaker can’t be female. The message of the poem is that although love is a positive force, there are heartless people. Whom will only watch out for there well begin and sometimes it’s just that they are free sports that don’t want to be bound to nothing, they are free

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