Anubis In Egypt

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Anubis was the god of burials and mummification commonly associated with the dead. Although Anubis is known most for his association with the dead he is also known for his act of heroism and his influence on the modern day world. The word Anubis derives from a word meaning putrefy and is a linked word for "gods son"(Wilkinson 187). It is not always clear who was in the lineage of Anubis but most scholars agree that he was the son of Osiris (god of the dead) and Nephthys (goddess of the protection of the dead). However, there are differentiating stories such as Anubis being the son of Set and Nephthys or the son of Osiris and Isis as noted by the Greek writer Plutarch (Romler 14). The story of conception for Anubis is quite different from almost …show more content…

Prior to the Egyptian era many body's were put in paleolithic buildings. These types of burials were referred to as "common" and it wasn't until the Egyptian era that burials were furthered significantly(burial). These improvements consisted of the use of coffins and the process of embalming ,these traditions were also continued by the Greeks and Romans. The use of the coffin was to prevent the earth from touching the body. However, the process of embalming was used to preserve the body well beyond burial and took several steps. First, cavities were filled with resins and spices. These six "magical" unguents were Hekenu oil, Syrian balsam, Nechenem salve, anointing oil, best cedar oil, and best Libian oil. Then, the bodies were immersed for several weeks in a soda solution." Viscera were sometimes embalmed separately and either replaced in the body or preserved in canopic jars" (Columbia). Later, these bodies would not be eviscerated but packed with salts and the wrapped in linen. The smallest detail in embalming must be recreated so that the Egyptians can assure it was the same ceremony that Anubis performed. After the diffusing of Christianity these methods were largely abandoned but still continued in Egypt for some time. Embalming is still in use today largely in North America, but instead of being filled with resins …show more content…

Because of the affair Nephthys had with Osiris her husband ,Set, was furious and planned to murder Anubis in retaliation. Nephthys then decided to his him in the marshes of the Nile river. There he was discovered by Isis who raised him and i return," Anubis became her protector" as mentioned in the Columbia Encyclopedia(83). Later when Osiris set out to conquer the world he was murdered by Set who cut him into pieces and scattered him around the world. It was the Anubis who found Osiris and brought his pieces together and mummified him using bandages made by the sisters Isis and Nephthys. By doing this Anubis preserves Osiris's remains and performed the first embalming. This would allow Osiris to eventually take over the underworld. Anubis's act of heroism not only saved a god but introduced the process of embalming and

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