Antisemitism Essay

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For centuries, the world we live in has been filled with hatred towards different, race, ethnicity, religion and cultural differences. A very good example of this is Antisemitism, which is the hatred of the Jewish faith. This is believed to have started in Europe around the Middle Ages time frame. This intensified in Germany after World War 1 (1914-1918) where majority of Jewish minorities lived. Hitler who was the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi for short) hated the Jews and held them responsible for the humiliating loss of WW1 and wanted to get rid and eliminate the Jewish population in the Nazi controlled lands.
In 1939, German officials began to build gas chambers in asylums, first to kill the groups of mentally ill and handicap patients in a program called T-4. Then in 1941, to kill groups from the concentration camps, the 14f13 program, with carbon monoxide. The T-4 program killed over 70,000 people. Also that year, the Germans developed mobile gas chambers (gas vans) that were used on the Russian front over two million victims, a slow and agonizing death. Later on that year they began experimenting with Zyklon B as a killing agent. Auschwitz Kommandant Rudolf Hoss claimed that he adopted Zyklon B because it ensured a quick and easy death for the victims, even though that claim was never supported by the evidence (Shelton, 2005, p. 99).
In 1942, Hoss turned two peasant cottages into gas chambers, which was in the crematorium 1,that were equipped with hollowed-out, wire-mesh columns and can hold up to 2,000 victims at a time (Shelton, 2005, p. 99). He would then use the Zyklon pellets in the crowded room and after twenty minutes the victims would be dead. Concentrations of 0.4mg/liter are uncondi...

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.... The court denied their claims and held them responsible for their actions.
In conclusion, the developments of many different gases are increasing and they are being used as Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMD) for many different reasons that I stated earlier. The Jewish people and their communities have suffered this horrific ordeal and was prosecuted and blamed for something that they had no involvement in. Nothing can be said or done to help them overcome this heartache and to make them forget the struggles their ancestors, families and friends endured. It’s sad to say that this hatred is still going on in the world and the Jews aren’t the only victims of this, for there are more other races being hated and judged. It is extremely important that history doesn’t repeat itself to where any culture or race have to endure the pain and suffering the Jews experienced.

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