Annotated Bibliography For Critical Thinking Essay

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Snyder, L.G., and Snyder, M.J (2008) Teaching critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, 2, 90-99.
Snyder and Snyder’s article indicates that critical thinking is a skill that can be learned, developed, and practiced through instructions. The authors also discussed that critical thinking shall be regularly integrated into the curriculum for the students to be able to participate in active learning. In this journal article, it proposes that by using instructional strategies, students can actively engage themselves in the learning process instead of solely depending on memorization and lecture. Learning by memorization isn’t acquiring knowledge or skills; it will be merely forgotten …show more content…

This scholarly research article is reliable for use as a research support and the researcher presented a well-built foundation for future studies as well. This is significant for that the reason that behavior and values are important factors that should be taught in schools like empathy, training in social skills, critical thinking and so forth. The research concisely outlines the suggestion of effectiveness in assigning behavior and values as the prime concern in schools to meet the necessity of the community. The most important thing to be put in consideration in democratic schools is the rude or undisciplined behavior of the students. Also, the research recommends that in self-learning, students shall also learn how to be responsible and productive to contribute efficaciously as a member of the society and in the larger community. In spite of that, democratic schools as well as students, needs to be reminded that there should balance between freedom and responsibility. Having democracy doesn’t mean that students are allowed to do and say whatever they want, this failure of democracy results in being self-centered of the learners. By the help of self-learning, they will be taught to be effective in bureaucratic structures of the real world and most importantly,

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