Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Annotated Bibliography

Anderson, B. R. O. 1991. Imagined communities. London: Verso
In this text, Anderson presents his idea of the imagined community and the spread of nationalism. He discussed ideas of community prior to the nation, in the form of dynastic realms and religion and the historical events that set in motion the fall of the former two systems and the rise of nationalism and its impacts on society. This text is crucial in enabling me to define what an imagined community is and to better understand how it can relate to the spread of social media phenomena and how that, in turn, impacts the Australian national community

Gruzd, A., Wellman, B. and Takhteyev, Y. 2011. Imagining Twitter as an imagined community. American Behavioral Scientist, 55 (10), pp. 1294--1318.
This article explores the possibilities of the micro-blogging website Twitter as a means of forming an imagined community. Through studying the account of one active twitter user they explore the theories of “virtual settlement” and “sense of community” as well as Andersons theory of the imagined community, the vernacular and shared ideas and morals. There are limitations to this article being that it only focuses on one social network (being Twitter) and it is not directly related to reactions to phenomena, but it provides valuable insight into how communities are created and the influence of said communities.

Kwak, H., Lee, C., Park, H. and Moon, S. 2010. What is Twitter, a social network or a news media?. pp. 591--600.
This article is contains research into what the authors call “The Twittersphere”. It also talks in length about the vernacular of social media (trending topics, user profiles, retweets) and the impacts of trending topics on other forms o...

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...on how the Australian imagined community is shaped as they are members of it too.

Johnston, J., Keyzer, P., Holl, Pearson, M. L., Rodrick, S. and Wallace, A. 2013. Juries and Social Media: A Report Prepared for the Victorian Department of Justice. Standing Council on Law and Justice.
This report was prepared for the Victorian Department of Justice to demonstrate the current effects of social media on the right to fair trial. It defines social media, recognizes problems and evaluates the effectiveness of current strategies to minimize the effects of social media on the jury and courtroom process. It also offers recommendations on further actions to take to improve the current jury model. It provides a differing opinion, from the legal standpoint and whilst it will not form the basis of my argument, it is useful for observing the effects of ‘trial by social media’

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