Anne Sexton Her Kind

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The poem "Her Kind" by Anne Sexton displays an aspect of the author’s life in a more emotional state. In the poem Sexton describes her journey of life as a woman; she remembers all the hardships she has been challenged with and emphasizes that her path through life was not all in sunshine. Throughout, the poem she uses incredible language to describe her hardships that she faced. She overall connects this to the fact that she is a woman. Anne is not angry at the fact that she has to face all the hardships as a woman but instead agrees that she is a brave woman. Although, her journey through life has made her feel constantly criticized as well as an outcast in the female world, she believed that she is just one of a kind. "Her Kind" is giving …show more content…

She was not understood for her behavior as a woman because society's image of a woman is severely different. Sexton conveys that although she was often an outcast and judged for her actions none of that has bothered her personally. She shows this within her poem by repeating, "I have been her kind" after every stanza; this phrase shows that Sexton sees herself as one of a kind. She sees herself differently from the way society portrays women but she sees herself different in a good way. She believes standing out and doing what makes you happy is the right way to live. Sexton was treated unfairly but she did not mind standing out, which truly made me admire the poem "Her Kind". I agree that everyone should do what makes them happy, no one should be scared to act a certain way because of their sexual identity instead everyone should be confident in who they are and be comfortable in making their own decisions. "Her Kind" is a great poem for all women to read because even though society has changed in a better way towards women, a lot of times women are still characterized to be an "ideal" imagine. I simply loved this poem as a woman myself, because it shows how every woman should be confident in herself. A woman should not allow others opinions get to her but instead she should see herself as a special

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