Anne Frank

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The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank is now a world renowned diary written during The Holocaust in the annex by a thirteen year old girl. The Holocaust was a very depressing time during World War II when many people were killed. During the war, Adolf Hitler rose to power in the German government and started the genocide (mass killing) of Jewish people, Gypsies and other groups of people as well. The Frank family and other Jews feared for their life so they hid in a secret annex for twenty-five months. Despite the hardships Anne faced in the annex, Anne remains hopeful, honest and loving throughout her diary. Anne expresses her hopeful characteristic throughout her diary because she writes down her thoughts on life, conditions in the world and Peter and others in the annex. Anne Frank has surprised herself when she wonders why she has not abandoned …show more content…

She writes about the boredom they faced, her relationship with Peter and her emotions on life. The members of the annex find moldy potatoes in the trash and Anne states that “Honestly, being in hiding… [during] the war is no picnic [and wishes that] if only the whole stinking mess were over!” (Frank 3.14.44). This means that since they were in hiding they had to entertain themselves during the day and Anne means that they have been in hiding for too long that boredom has overcome them. Anne “honestly... [doesn't] know how much he loves… [her] and whether… [they'll] ever get as far as a kiss;” or a relationship (Frank 3.25.44). Anne shows how honest she when she wants to move on in her relationship but doesn't know if Peter wants to. Anne Frank believes that many “lives had taken a sudden turn for the worse, [and] honestly, things are only as bad as… [people] make them” (Frank 4.14.44). Anne believes that the future can only be changed by the actions people make today. Thus proving that one of Anne’s main characteristic is

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