Anne Frank

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Anne Frank was 16 years old when she died of an awful disease. Anne lived with her mom Edith, her father Otto, sister Margot, Mrs and Mr Van Daan and their son Peter. They were all being hidden by Miep Gies from the Germans. Miep had an annex above her shop where she hid them. The door was covered by a bookcase. Miep brought them all food and delivered news whenever she heard anything. The Franks were able to hide for a bit more than 2 years before they were found. Before Anne and her family moved in with Miep, they lived in Frankfurt-am-Main. However in 1933, running from Hitler, the Family moved from their native city and went to Aachen for a few months. After Aachen they settled in Amsterdam, where Otto had his own business. things were great there for a few years, but then the Germans invaded the Netherlands on May 10th, 1940. Many harsh anti-jew decrees took place in the following months. This is when Anne was forced to leave her school and go to a Jewish secondary school. She was forced to wear the yellow Jewish Star of David. Once all these awful things took place, Otto decided it was time to leave. He had a hidden home ready for his family, a co-worker, and the Van Daans. After living there for a little while, an 8th person joined. A Jewish dentist named Dussel. They had to remain quiet during the day and they were able to make noise at night. This included not using the bathroom, not walking around, and they needed to whisper when talking. Their life really began late in the day and in evening hours. Anne Kept a diary in her time living under the protection of Miep. In her diary she explained the awful things that were being done to Jews back then. She also wrote about what it was like to live the way she had been liv... ... middle of paper ... ... in the Netherlands. Some of Otto’s loyal co-workers preserved the pages found of the diary. The diary was also important for many other reasons though. It gave personal insight on what was happening during the Holocaust and what it was like to be in hiding with several others. It told about the fear of being in hiding and of loved ones that had been found before hand. If Anne hadn’t written it we wouldn’t know as much as we do now about the Holocaust and how Jews suffered during it. The diary was first published in Dutch 1947. Annes diary was a huge hit, it was translated into 30 different languages, and a pocket book edition in Germany alone sold 900,000 copies. While millions of other copies of a United States publication of the diary were sold. Anne was one of the many brave Jews from the Holocaust who sadly didn’t live to tell about it. However, her diary did.

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