Anna Quindlen's Doing Nothing Is Something

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Throughout our lives, the wheel of time never stops turning, and it seems like we don’t cease trying to keep up with it. Then, if we do receive a moment of free time, as the song “Infinity” by One Direction explains, it can feel as if we’re “stuck in motion and the wheels keep spinning ‘round.” These days, people like us have “No time to stand and stare,” (from the poem, “Leisure” by William Henry Davies), but as Anna Quindlen’s essay, “Doing Nothing is Something” discusses, we all need to stop every once in a while to process the world without the burden of relentless activities to attend, so the good that comes from doing nothing can allow ourselves to truly blossom. Today, time is most often considered to be something not to waist on being …show more content…

Do really we want to “pursue frantic and often joyless” activities just to be looked at by others a certain way? Finding who we are and, overall achieving who we personally look to be often involves people “Exploring inside of their own heads” with their time of boredom. “And now I’m one step closer to being two steps far from you.” might be a lyrical form of comparison between finding who we are by taking a moment of time to evaluate ourselves, to being who everyone else expects us to be, like a busy individual. These are steps away from each other, hard to accomplish both tasks because we don’t make time to experience both time absorbing activities and free time. Do we want to observe “Where squirrels hide their nuts in the grass”, care freely, or do we want to go to baseball practice? The choice ultimately ours to make, but in the end, the pressure to look at doing nothing as an unproductive thing might influence our opinions. As a whole, the time to do nothing is a gateway to good things, such as creativity and the creation of us as unique individuals. Sometimes, the time spent on doing nothing is just as important as the time spent on doing something because it is possible that the product of free time can make our lives more fulfilling with the time we

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