Embracing Emptiness: The Power of a Preconception-less Mind

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Emptying out and allowing the mind to go with the flow is a practice that has been done for centuries. It is applicable in everyday life and with enough practice, anyone can do it. Emptiness is not an easy state to achieve, but with hours of dedication and a calm perseverance anyone can attain an empty, preconception-less mind. In Daodejing, it gives several examples of how we use emptiness on a daily basis. Whether we recognize that power on a daily basis is another point entirely. If someone is not already utilizing the power of emptying out, then they hopefully will see how strong a soft energy can be. Ultimately, emptiness is not restricted to only be a part of professional life, but can be used in friendly and romantic relationships too. …show more content…

The difficulties that come along with emptying out are very internal. Even if all other stimuli are removed, it is still entirely possible for thoughts to disrupt the quiet that is trying to be created. The mistake that most people make is to jump all over the thought because they believe that they should not be thinking at all. This in turn makes a greater disruption and pulls the mind farther from achieving emptiness. Knowing how challenging emptying out can be, makes it that much more impressive to observe those who actively dedicate themselves to it. In the story of the Ax Wielder, Builder Stone, the man who holds the ax, is known for his act where he places a bit of mud on the tip of his partner’s nose and slices the mud cleanly off without any harm. Some years later, after his partner has died, the Ax Wielder is still called in front of the king. The King asks him to show his act, but the Ax Wielder denies the king and says,” ‘I was able to do it once, but the material I worked with died long ago’” (Ivanhoe 250). Everyone, including the king, assumed that the Ax Wielder’s partner was not important or hardly useful in their act. However, as the Ax Wielder admits, the act could not happen without

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