Animal Testing Is Necessary

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Is it necessary to test animals by sending them off to space? A scientist would send animals to space and test them to make sure that it was safe for an astronaut to go to space. Animals are used for many things but the one thing they shouldn't be used for is testing. Testing animals and sending them to space can decrease the species and have a better change at extinction. The first dog, Laika, that went to space and died. According to BBC NEWS, Laika died of "overheating and panic a few hours after the mission started." Animals are needed to help lots of people around the world. For example, dogs would guide blind people and they help police search for missing people. Animals are supposed to be cared for and being tested, the article List verse, the dogs would be left in small cages. "They would be left locked up in claustrophobic conditions for up to 20 days." Animals weren't being treated with concerned. …show more content…

Dogs would be left locked up in a small cage and make matters even worse, they would be put in even tinier spaces. According to List Verse, "Trapped in the cages, the dogs became constipated." Meaning that the dogs were so tired of being in cages that they would obstruct. Animals aren't safe in space and when they land they aren't safe either. According to, the first monkey that ever went to space "died on impact when the parachute failed." A mouse died when the rocket disintegrated due to problems with the parachute. These animals could've survived but didn’t because people don’t check if everything is working and cooperating

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