Animal Testing Is Inhumane

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Animal testing is when researchers test medicine, cosmetics, shampoo, and other products on animals to make sure that the ingredients used in products are safe for consumers. The main point of animal testing is to see if a new product is going to harm the consumers in any way. If a product is tested on an animal it may harm them and could possibly kill them. The concern with animal testing is that it is animal abuse and not fair to the animal that is being forced to harm. In order to clarify this, there are people and organizations who are trying to stop animal testing but there also other people who are trying to continue animal testing. This topic especially with organizations such as PETA, who want to end animal testing and other organization …show more content…

Humans are not showing moral justification to animals, why should we put harm on animals but no harm on ourselves? Animals suffer from forced feeding and inhalation, food and water deprivation, physical restraint inside changes. Futhermore researcher Evans (2011) discussed an example of the suffering that the animals have to go through that is the Draize Eye Test. This experiment is used by cosmetic companies to test shampoo, make up and other products. A rabbits eye lids are pried open with clips and the product is put into their eye, sometimes their eyes are left open for more than a day so that they do not blink away the product. Additionally, animal testing should be stopped because the inner working of animals and human may be similar, but they are by no means identical. The side effect of the same experiment are different on humans and on animals, also anatomically and metabolically animals and humans are not the same. As researchers of Understanding Animal Research (2010) has shown that 94% of drugs that pass animal testing do not pass the clinical trial on human. For instance, 100 stroke drugs were tested on animals and they did effect them but they did not effect humans. Accompanying why animal testing should be stopped is because there are alternatives. On the subject of alternatives, researcher Ericson (2014) discussed that biologists have created a chemosynthetic liver that acts as a real liver, these were done by liver cells and letting them grow and it gives more accurate data than testing on

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