Animal Poaching Research Paper

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A Rhino is in the wild alone, it here’s some rustling in a bush but it ignores the sound. A poacher come out of the bush, and grabbed a gun. BOOM a loud noise goes through the forest, and killing the rhino all just for its horns. I chosen this topic because I love animals, and wanted to know more about animal extinction. I saw that poaching cause some of it. I wanted to know some things like why are there animals with no horns or tusks and I wanted to know why. While researching this topic I wanted to know why, why do poachers poach? How do poachers find the animals? Why do people want parts of animals like horns, tusks skin etc? How does poaching cause extinction to animals? After I was done with my reashersched I know now that their can be way that we can prevent poachers from poaching innocent animals. …show more content…

People poach for money people pay people to poach for a large amount of money in return. When more people want it, it gets higher in demand and people pay even more to get a specific animal. Poachers are super harmful to the animals when they poach. Poachers normally have to kill the animal to poach it without ever thinking the harm it is doing. When poachers do that they could be damaging a family just to have some cash. People that pay money can get more and more people to want it until the point where that species is almost extinct or even extinct without caring. Yet people still do it without even caring, we need the government to prevent them from doing

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