Animal Mating Essay

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Mating is the most fundamental and vital process for animals to select for their best partners. In the view of biology, mating refers to the pairing of opposite-sex for copulation (the union of the sex organs of two sexually reproducing animals for insemination and subsequent internal fertilization) in social animal to breed for their offspring. In general, different animals may mate in different manners, but in most cases the main purpose is to transfer sperm from the male to the female.
The mating process always involves the struggle of one sex (often the male) to win the mating with the female. The failure of this process is normally a few or no offspring to sustain the generation of their own species. In contrary, a successful male to
Nevertheless, each mating section ends very fast with on longer than 12 seconds. As the male dolphins have ravenous sexual appetites, they will always attempt to hump inanimate objects and even other animals like sea turtles. The male dolphin will often force the female to have sex. The other hushed-up fact is that the male has a retractable penis, the flaccid penis located within his body and both penises appear while on demand. Another cool fact to add in is that his penis is prehensile which can swivel to explore an object around him just like a
As they are primarily stationary animal, how do they mate? The solution to this obstacle is solved by their relatively long penises adapted for their own species of their sizes. These inflatable penises can reach up to 50 times as long as their bodies; there should not be problems for them to have sex with their neighbors as well as to fertilize distant neighbors. Imagine that their penises could reach to another seven shells away! Wow, such the longest penis in the animal kingdom! Incredible!
"The benefit of a longer penis is obvious for the barnacles — it helps them reach more barnacles — but the tradeoff is that it could wave around wildly on shores exposed to waves," explained researcher Christopher Neufeld, an evolutionary marine biologist at University of Alberta in Edmonton.
Praying Mantis: Get Your Head Off for Sex! (Image source: Praying Mantis Wise to Sexual Cannibalism Risk [LiveScience

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