Animal Farm: From Equality to Tyranny

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The novel animal farm was written by George Orwell during the Russian revolution, and it somehow symbolizes it. In one of the English farms there happens the revolution, animals rebel against the humans with hope that everything will be much better than it was that time. They believed in utopia, as it was during Russian revolution. They have certain leaders pigs. Snowball and napoleon, and this two pigs announce seven commandments that always must be satisfied, but as soon as one of the pigs is banished another becomes tyrant. He begins to change rules in his favor, at first he begins to sleep in the bed, begins to drink alcohol, smoking pipe, eating best food on the farm, he is walking with bodyguards, he announced his birthday as a celebration, and the last he is walking on two legs. Than he begins to communicating with people, but most amazing is that he didn't disobey any rules, why? Because he changed all rules as he wanted, in his favor, but not only for himself but to all pigs. He did not obey to the main idea, main rule that all animals are equal, he changed it as "all animals are equal but some of them are more equal"

This is classical sign of how from equality they moved to the tyranny, Napoleon was doing everything to became as the mister Jones or in other words human and we can say that he managed to do this because we can see at the end that it was impossible to distinguish pig from human and human from pig.

Another thing I wanted to talk about was the comparison of this novel to the famous Russian revolution. They have lot of in common, first of all both of this revolutions happened because of the idea, utopia. In first case it was communism that everyone will be equal and there wont be any private property, and here it was same the idea was that animals would be equal, that the everything they have would be divided equally, but in both cases everything happened in opposite the leaders gain the power and some of them become more equal then others. Another similarity is the counter revolution which happened sooner after the revolution, king tried to return his power but in vain, in this novel too Mr.

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