Animal Farm And Night Essay

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"Napoleon took them (the dogs) and there kept them in such seclusion that the rest of the farm soon forgot their existence." In this essay, I will be comparing the book titled Animal Farm by George Orwell and Night by Elie Wiesel including their similarities and differences, themes, tone, summary and figurative language.
First I will summarize Animal Farm which is mainly about the Russian Revolution,
The tone of Animal Farm is powerful because it is all about the revolution of Russia, as Old Major motivates his friends to rebel against their mean master. The tone can also be considered objective because the author George Orwell through his writing is criticizing the communist government of his time. Orwell did not agree with all the policies and rules the communist government was implementing but did not directly stated his stand to the communist government. Instead he used his created characters in the book to symbolize people in real life. On the other hand, the tone in Night is dreadful and mourseful because most of the book focuses on how life was in the concentration camps. There was not a sign of happiness in the …show more content…

The theme in Animal Farm was the horrible corruption of socialist ideals in the Soviet Union in Russia during the rise of Joseph Stalin. Animal Farm is the most famous book ever written criticizing the history of the Russian Revolution. Orwell retells the story of the rise of the Soviet communist government in the form of an animal fable. In Animal Farm the power and the high position that Napoleon holds, allegorizes to the rise of power of the dictator Joseph Stalin in Russia. In the novel, the defeat of the human oppressor in this case Mr. Jones by a democratic group of animals quickly gives power to all the pigs. The theme in Night is that Elie's loss of religious faith.Throughout the book, Elie experiences things that he cannot seem to understand are caused by a fair and know-it - all

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