Animal Farm Analytical Essay

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Written in England on August 17, 1945, “Animal Farm was seen by many readers as an anti-Communist tract, in which Snowball representated Trotsky and Napoleon was Stalin” (Protherough). Snowball comes off as a cordial and lively pig, he is deceiving to the other animals, his main goal is to spread communism among the farm. He does this by participating in setting up the seven commandments, which is a hypocrisy meant for them to rule and have control over all the other animals. Trotsky and Snowball had a plan for their government. Napoleon portrays Stalin with his cruelness and violence. Stalin eliminated anyone that got in his way. This is displayed through Napoleon when he trained the dogs, and makes it seem as if it is for their own benefit, but actually so they can protect him and eradicate any enemies. …show more content…

When he was a year old his mother took him and his older sister Marjorie to England, where they now resided. His father, Richard Blair, stayed in India where he was stationed. Orwell and his father never maintained a close relationship. “I had the lonely child's habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginary persons, and I think from the very start my literary ambitions were mixed up with the feeling of being isolated and undervalued” (Orwell). In his teens Orwell got sent to boarding school which he highly disliked, he felt inadequate and unjustly punished by a cruel headmaster. “His early schooling influenced his views on totalitarianism and the English class system”

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