Anglo Saxon Hero In Beowulf

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In the poem Beowulf, we see the Anglo-Saxon hero. Beowulf, the protagonist, embodies the honor of the Anglo-Saxon culture and tradition. The poem in itself is an elegant script of Anglo-Saxon times. Composed in 8th or 9th century, the epic was passed down from generation to generation orally and has no known author. The Anglo-Saxon hero was a warrior.
Beowulf, the Geat, helps Hrothgar the king of Danes by fighting against Grendel, the evil monster. Through his remarkably brave, inhumanly strong and incredibly loyal characteristics, Beowulf depicts the adventure of a Anglo-Saxon hero.
The heroes of Anglo-Saxon period were best defined as honorable warriors. Beowulf was invincible in his strength. He battles terrifying monsters and risks his life. He showcases his heroic stoicism through his super-human physical strength. Grendel was a horrendous monster that was the incarnation of maleficence. Beowulf’s men had tried to use their weapons to fight, but Grendel “ blunted every mortal man's blade” (Line 485). Beowulf, on the other hand, tore off Grendel’s arm with his bare hands. Without struggling much and within moments Beowulf had overpowered Grendel sent him crying in pain. Beowulf portrays his strength through his fight against Grendel’s mother. Beowulf sees a sword hanging that was exceedingly heavy which giants hammered on the wall. It was “so massive that no ordinary man could lift …show more content…

Although he dies in the end, Beowulf stayed courageous, strong mentally and loyal to his words. These characteristics of him portray one of the greatest heros in Anglo-Saxon literature. Although he was weak and had lost all his physical strength Beowulf had not lost his bravery and mental strength. He was determined to defend his people and he did so with absolute bravery. All the traits of a “perfect” hero were exhibited in Beowulf. Bravery, loyalty, and strength the three pillars of Anglo-Saxon

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