Angels Monologue

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If you must know, the first thing you’ll ask me is what my life has been like. The thing is, I don’t really feel like telling you. Firstly, this crap bores me, and second, you’ve probably heard it already. Truth is, my childhood was kinda lousy. Actually it sucked. I was born in a crumby old nest with my brothers and sisters. They’re the type of creatures who everyone thinks are simply angels. Angels my ass. They act like they’re charming and modest as hell around others. Except then when you’re alone with them and they act all high-and-mighty and bored with you. I swear, you’ve never seen such goddam morons in your life. I suppose my mother was alright- nice as hell- but I never really knew her very well. I was born on one of those days when the sun shines in your eyes and blinds you and where all the damn jerks have their conversations about how lovely the weather is. It’s nauseating. Anyway, I just up and popped out of my egg five days after the others. God, they gave me hell for that. It’s ironical really, because I’m taller than them. That kills me. Oh, and I also have gray feathers- I really do. My whole body is covered in gray …show more content…

I swear, that was the longest goddam winter ever. For Chrissake, you should have seen me the day the snow started to melt. One day, as I was sitting by myself and trying not to listen to a nearby debate about who got which worm, I noticed that there was a pond nearby, which I hadn’t seen because it had been frozen over in the winter. As I looked out over the water, I saw some white birds out over the water. God, they were beautiful. I don’t know why I did what I did then, because normally I’m yellow as hell. If you want to know the truth, I sort of forgot that they might just be more goddam phonies. Or maybe I just figured that there was nothing I could do about it. They’ll never change, all those phony bastards. Sometimes you just can’t escape it. So I swam out across the lake, away from that crumby

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