Angel Gonzales Research Paper

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Cruel world we have to live with
Leaving home for a better lifer sounds good but what would people do if they were falsely accused of rape in a new world in which not knowing their language? Many would make it out knowing they are innocent, but some people, it would take them 21 years for their exoneration. Angel Gonzales life changed after being accused of rape, then sent to Prison for 50 years, in the end being exonerated On July 10, 1994, a woman was taken from her house by 2 men. Those men forced her to get into her car and drove off. They drove a couple of blocks away, where they took advantage of her (The Cases- Angel Gonzales pg. # 1). The victim was scared and felt lonely, she was lost and in need have help. She approached a gas station, where she called the police (Angel Gonzales – National Registry of exonerations pg. # 1). The police took a description of the attackers, both were 25 years old Hispanic men and were a height of (5'7). The victim's boyfriend gave a discretion of the car to the cops then later found the car himself, but that car belonged to Gonzales. The cops found Gonzales and immediately handcuffed him and placed him in a police car. The cops brought the victims which then, she confirmed that is was Gonzales. Gonzales felt attacked from every direction, although he …show more content…

Angel Gonzales life changed after being accused of rape, then sent to prison for 50 years, in the end being exonerated. Angel was sentenced 50 years in prison, although he had an alibi, it was never investigated due to confirmation of the victim. Angel was new to America and he didn’t adapt quickly, but he taught himself English so he can prove his innocence and which he did by using the Innocence project's help. The Innocence project helped get his freedom after being in prison for 21 years (Angel Gonzales Cleared after Serving 20

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