Ancient Roman Slave Revolts

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The slavery system in Rome is one of the most complex systems in their society, in extreme cases one’s life would be better if they were a slave. The system was not base on races or other discriminating facts. Slaves normally came from the defeated nation’s males of fighting age or from people culminating mass amount of debt. Slavery at the time of Ancient Rome were not the same as slavery found in America. Slaves were treated very well and were able to pay their freedom or were grant it, in Ancient Rome. Why was their three big slaves revolts that also crippled the Republic and in the case of Spartacus threaten the city of Rome. The three revolts had very special people that led them, with them having a very interesting background and leadership …show more content…

“Kleon manager of farming operation…[also] possess religious power..[and] astrological skills.”(Shaw 12) Vilicus, Kleon, role was to “[Maintain] strict order…Religious festival days must be observes…he must keep his hands off another man’s property…[etc]. (Cato the Elder 37) The vilicus was given a lot of responsibility and this was excellent practice for someone like Kleon to be able to organize armies. The vilicus was in charge of feeding, punishment and rewards for the slaves. Vilicus had to know how to perform all task on the farm so he can lead by example and inspired the other slaves to work hard for him, instead of the master. The slaves on farm or on the land herding animals were loyal to herd master or vilicus. The herd master and vilicus was loyal to the master or that was the master goal. The master would point a vilicus on same criteria like age and experiences but what wasn’t consider was their physical attributes. Vilicus were pick from slaves who did not gamble, drink, or go to whorehouses. One of factors that normally stops an individual from being a vilicus was not having any connection to fortune-tellers, prophets, or astrologers, which was one of Kleon skills. Eunus not being a vilicus made sense a person telling people he can predict the future and claim he was king. Kleon had astrological skill either he did express he had knowledge in it or his master did not have the atypical critera of picking a slave that work their over along period of time instead he was best opinion his master had. A Master would normally pick a slave that has been working there for a while and were considered hard workers or fast learner. The slave did not need have the ability to write or read in fact it was preferred, because illiterate individual would have knowledge to steal money or mess with the books. The master would pick his vilicus a slave wife to marry and would have the

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