Ancient Mexico Summary

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Once upon a time in ancient Mexico lived a little Mayan boy he had no name, no family, for he only had his village his people and his Gods. He worshiped the Sea that surrounded his land and protected his people, he worshiped the Sun that gave him warmth and grew there crops,he worshiped the Moon that looked down upon him and gave him light when the sun slept, he worshiped the Stars that twinkled at night and surrounded the darkness. But he did not know what these things where. He had no clue that the Moon was a giant rock or the Sun was a big ball of gas. He had no idea what any of these beautiful things where that protected him. so he prayed to them, talked to them thinking they would talk back but they didn't but he knew they where listening. …show more content…

all was fond and well until the Spaniards came. The boy looked at the men in awe for they wore metal on there chest and on there body's that reflected the light of the sun, he was mesmerized by the color of their skin and the sharp silver sabers they carried on their side. They tied up his people with shackles and chains and spoke a language he did not recognize then a small man came with a book in one hand and a cross on his neck with a man bleeding from his head with a crown made of thorns. He spoke the tongue of his people and told them about a man who could walk on water and a man able to bring someone back from the dead. This was wrong the boy thought there is no such thing as a man able to preform these miracle he only had his gods. His people where scared, screaming, begging the white men to let them go. But the boy wasn't he was mostly confused almost melancholy thinking to himself why didn't his people have faith in there god's, a mayan woman was screaming at the top of her lungs one of the white man became enraged cause of this and unseathed his silver saber and cut the woman's

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