Anansi, The Clever One Summary Essay

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Cautionary tales typically follow what their name might suggest, in that they warn how consequences affect those who might think themselves above the rules. This is often seen in cases regarding self-centered animals, overly naïve children, and to a degree those who are deemed ‘tricksters’. It is common for animals to become the subjects of stories, as the author can then apply human philosophy to the actions of creatures in order to warn against behavior that might otherwise be seen as common. An example of a cautionary tale regarding animals is seen in the textbook “Anansi, the Clever One” where the selfish spider Anansi learns the penalty of being selfish and conceited (Rosenberg, 15). While the Anansi stories depict a trickster, they also convey the message that even those who are clever and manipulative are not invulnerable to their …show more content…

Let us see who can grow the tallest!” A breeze blew through Yew’s foliage with their sigh, “I have no desire to rush.” Yet the spry little tree was determined, without giving the signal to start, Poplar stretched upwards. As it grew higher and higher, its shadow was cast on Yew who lengthened accordingly. Frustrated, the wiry tree forced himself to grow taller and thinner. Yew, as well, grew taller still. Together they raced and raced, until Poplar was as thin as a rope, whipping in the wind back and forth in the gusts of wind. The larger tree had become quite unkempt looking, with needles splaying out in every direction. A forceful breeze struck Poplar and he swayed for a moment before toppling over with a loud crack, bent and then broken into two pieces. In shock, the gentle rustle of leaves stopped, leaving the forest in a silent moment of apprehension. All around plants froze, for the tallest tree of the forest had broken! Suspicious and now fearful of the ever growing Yew, some of the low shrubs shifted their roots away from them. Others agreed and began the slow trek out from under the gaze of the mighty

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