Analyzing Themes In 'The Golden Goose' By Grimm Bell

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“I shall give you a gift, as you have a good heart and give so willingly…”(Grimm). The tale of “The Golden Goose” by the Grimm Brothers is set in medieval times where there are kings/queens, despite being written by Grimm in the 1800s and taking place around Europe. They tell of a tale in which a simpleton becomes a king through a kind heart and resourceful mind that inspires many young readers. Originally told by The Grimm Brothers, “The Golden Goose” and all its variations is all about the moral of doing a good deed despite any reward or prize. While the original fable/folktale story “The Golden Goose” takes place during medieval times, different variations are told during different time periods and with many differences. A quote from a …show more content…

The first theme is shown in the text when it reads, “Then the stupid son said to his father, ‘Let me go for once and cut wood in the forest.’...the simple wood-cutter inherited the whole kingdom”(Grimm). Dummling is thought to accomplish nothing in life, be a nobody, and is untrusted, but he steps up to the plate. Dummling volunteers to go work and happens to become a king as well. Another theme that is in “The Golden Goose” is judgement. The text states, “The young man began cutting down a tree, but it was not long before he made a false stroke: the axe slipped and cut his arm so badly that he was obliged to go home...His punishment also came; he had scarcely given two strokes on a tree with his axe, when he hit his leg such a terrible blow… after the king’s death the simple wood-cutter inherited the whole kingdom, and lived happily with his wife”(Grimm). The mentioned quotes all show how the theme judgement and justice is used. The two first quotes show how the two eldest sons are hurt because of their inability to share and Dumpling is shown to be rewarded in becoming a King and wealthy. One final, but equally important theme in “The Golden Goose” is although you may be scorned upon or treated horrifically, if you are kind, you will be repaid. The theme is shown when it states, “After they had eaten and drank enough, the little old man said: ‘Because you have been kind-hearted, and shared your dinner with me, I will make you in future lucky in all you undertake. There stands an old tree; cut it down, and you will find something good at the root.’”(Grimm). When Dumpling shares his small meal the man becomes generous and gives him a gift. That gift was the golden goose. By getting the goose, it helps Simpleton to make the king’s daughter laugh. The little man again helps Simpleton by completing the tasks of eating a mountain of bread, and drinking a cask of wine and this help

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