Analyzing The Song 'Losing Control' By Russ Vitale

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The Hardest Part of a Relationship: Letting Someone In Have you ever been in a relationship where the roots ran so deep that you could feel the relationship you and your significant other grew being cut down in your heart when it was finally over? Well, Russ Vitale writes about his past relationship with his ex girlfriend in the song "Losing Control" which explains how his ex is afraid to love again due to the way Russ treated her. Russ produced his first song at the age of 18, and new her wanted to be a rapper so he dropped out of college. Al his songs are self-made, meaning he produces the song, he writes the song, creates the beat for the song, and engineers the song. He started by producing music on Soundcloud and paved his way to fame. However, the fame may be too much for him to handle because the fame was the reason he drifted away from his ex girlfriend. Through figurative language, Russ addresses to his ex how she must allow herself to love again, creating a tone of remorse. His song is significant and powerful because it highlights how love and destruction are two sides of the same coin. Russ's song starts with the chorus …show more content…

She is conflicted and doesn't believe her boyfriend will notice "cause her last relationship was a disaster"(10). The way Russ treated his ex girlfriend is the reason she is nervous to let her new boyfriend into her heart. As he reflects, Russ realizes he and his ex should have never happened. Russ was not ready for the commitment since "he was cheating on her, trying to flip it back on her like a victim"(15). Basically, the poor girl did nothing wrong and now has "baggage on her shoulder"(16). This metaphor suggests that his ex experienced a past that she did not want and now "she doesn't trust herself anymore" creating a melancholy tone (19). This distrust with herself is why Russ is telling her that it is ok to be in love and begin a

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