Analyzing The Film 'The Fly'

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“The Fly” is a short story detailing a science experiment gone wrong and the murder that occurred as a result. The short story was adapted into a film titled The Fly, which features the same basic plot and conflict, but features a different resolution and slightly different character motivations. “The Fly” is told in a first-person perspective and features two narrators. Francois Delambre, the brother of the murdered scientist Andre acts as the story’s protagonist and his sister-in-law and murderer, Helene acts as the story’s deuteragonist. After being unsuccessful in her attempt to find the white-headed fly for the now disfigured Andre, Helene visits him in his laboratory to discuss how they will proceed. Andre informs Helene that his only option is to destroy himself. Though she attempts to convince him that he has other options, the reader can already infer that any attempts to restore Andre will be …show more content…

Helene’s primary character trait is her devotion to Andre, and it is shown that she will do anything to prevent him from committing suicide. After seeing what he has become, she realizes that he must be destroyed. Andre is shown to be dedicated to his work the point that it both figuratively and literally consumes him, though it is also clear he loves his family. After becoming a monster and realizing that Helene will likely be unable to locate the fly, Andre adopts an almost fatalistic attitude, believing that his only option is to destroy himself. Despite this, it is still shown that he loves Helene as he attempts to sate her curiosity by going through his matter transporter once last time. “The Fly” was adapted into a feature-length film titled The Fly, which follows the short story quite closely. One major change is the perspective in which the story is presented, going from first-person in “The Fly” to third-person in The

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