Analyzing Somerandomperson's Poem 'My World'

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In the poem “My World” by SomeRandomPerson, we go through the life of a child of two parents who undergo a divorce. We see the many events that this child goes through and the various emotions that the child is feeling as their life continues and they grow older. SomeRandomPerson uses different metaphors, similes, and imagery to portray that life will twist and turn in opposite directions, but it doesn’t always work out in the end. The use of a metaphor is used by SomeRandomPerson to convey that at this point they cannot see the true meaning to their life. There is a mood of doubt and denial in the poem as if nothing is going right in the author’s world and it just keeps tumbling downhill. SomeRandomPerson states, “My world is pointless… just a facade… from the real thing.” (SomeRandomPerson 29) to explain that the life that they show around their friends is just a coverup and is different from the life that they have at home. Previously in the poem, there were cheerful times in their life and times of disaster. Throughout the poem their life becomes pointless and it loses all meaning as it is just a fake thing that they are moving throughout. …show more content…

The father of the poet left his family and the poet’ life began to fall apart as we were told. Everything that is happening in their life just keeps going and they can’t stop it. SomeRandomPerson proclaims, “ I’m trapped, like I’m in a black hole, continuously pulling me inward.” (SomeRandomPerson 15). They use this simile to describe their life as a black hole that keeps pulling them inward to show that their life keeps getting worse and worse and there is no escape. Their life is dreadful and keeps going away from what they wanted but they cannot help what is happening to

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