Analyzing Pervical Everett's 'The Appropriation Of Cultures'

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If there was ever an element in our society that has been so intensely studied, so manipulated, so extremely perverse and awe inspiring it would have to be the ideological phenomena of power. Power has the ability to take on infinite manifestations across both the conception of time and space; it’s built vast sprawling empires and has destroyed them, it has turned great men terrible and the most heinous men true, it can be as ginormous as an exploding star and has miniscule as the collision of two atoms. There is no definitive definition of the word “Power” because it is so contextual and subjective in our minds and life. Power permeates every letter of any story, poem, play, musical, etc; just think about it, even the letters you are reading right now have the power to form a word, which can invoke any number of feelings within yourself! Therefore, it can be said that writers and authors have much more power than we can even fathom! One author that challenged me to think critically about the use of power within our lives is Pervical Everett and his narrative, “The Appropriation of Cultures”.

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