Symbolic Interactionism Theory: Analyzing Media And Pop Culture

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Analyzing Media and Pop Culture. The symbolic Interactionism theory believes that the media is one of the four major agents of gender role socialization, which is the lifelong process that teaches individuals to be masculine or feminine. Rules that are reinforced in our daily lives mainly through media for example magazines. They carry numerous aspects that transmit to people how a woman or man must behave in order to be accepted by society, this is not just inside their pages but also on the covers. There are specific magazines for each gender, for example Women’s Health and Men’s Health magazines, eve though they carry the same message of health they are extremely different since they are intended for a particular audience. So next we will …show more content…

Physical strengthen it’s an important aspect of being a man based on a journal called “The Impact of Media Exposure on Self-Esteem and Body Satisfaction in Men and Women” by Salenna Russello, states that unlike women, men are not pressured to be thin, but rather to be muscular these magazines portrays, that muscular men are even more handsome than a man with a thin body. Another important aspect is the emotions that the models display on the magazines, base on the book “the sexuality of men” by Metcalf and Humphries, society have always seem men as competitive, aggressive, and dominant these characteristics are traditional gender roles for men. Observing these magazines the models are not smiling in fact, they reflect a strong attitude; arms on the side or holding a tennis racket ready to

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