Analytical Philosophy: A Series of Movment

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During the 20th century Analytic philosophy has simply been a series of movements that shaped the model of knowledge and learning into modern day processes and concepts. The positive goal in all philosophies is to find the truth of reality and authenticity. The variety of these analytic philosophies has been viewed as the handmaiden of science and uses this view for purposes for learning. Analytic philosophy has also had the rational methodology to emphasize logic, linguistic analysis, mathematics, and merges itself squarely with all natural sciences. The purpose of this movement utilized and allowed thinkers to drift away from the normal ideas and concepts of the typical philosophies labeled such as rationalism and empiricism and open the doors to a new realm of understanding reality. This view of the world simply puts a human beings purpose into belief that the being is the only entity in true existence, yet the world around the being is nothing more than a dream or fantasy controlled and choreographed by the being’s imagination.
Analytic philosophy’s concepts and ideas commenced from the philosophers such as Frege, Russell, Moore, and Quine. At the roots of this philosophy it began to reject all idealism and neo-Kantianism and regarded a more logical approach to show that mathematics can be reduced to logic and applied to rigorous language. This simply proved that all meaningful propositions had a logical value and to be is to be the value of the variable. This process was also used towards a positivism approach to a pervasive and extensive anguish or contentment. This common idea of the analytical philosophers surfaced the idea that language may conceal hidden logical structure, and perhaps it may also lead us to a more stru...

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... and mathematics, and it sees itself as faithful to the natural sciences. Analytical philosophy prides itself on clarity, precision, and conciseness, although history shows that analytical thinkers are not always successful in this endeavor. The simply task of philosophy is to provide man with a comprehensive view of life. This view should always serve the individual as a base, a frame of reference, for all actions taken, mental or physical, psychological or existential. This analytical perspective of life should show and tell the individual the nature of the universe with which one is dealt, and the mean of acquiring knowledge by the standards of the goals and values chosen. However, in regards to a man’s life and character, any regard to society and means of concretizing this view is given by esthetics in the most analytic and philosophical propositions possible.

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