Analysis of Statement 'Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark' in Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Analysis of Statement 'Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark' in Shakespeare's Hamlet

In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the words “Something is rotten in the state

of Denmark.” (I.iv.90) were spoken by Marcellous shortly after Hamlet leaves to follow a

ghost. Marcellous and Horatio both feel that Hamlet should not be left alone with the

ghost. Even though Hamlet directed them not to follow him, Marcellous feels that it

wouldn’t be right if they didn’t follow him because “Something is rotten in the state of

Denmark.” (I.iv.90) When examined, that statement can refer to many of things about

the ruling class that are rotten in the state of Denmark

One idea of the rottenness is the marriage between Hamlet’s uncle Claudius and

his mother Gertrude. Many consider the marriage almost incestuous, and Claudius feels

he must justify it by stating that he had the approval of the courtiers and that the marriage

was in the best interest of Denmark. The marriage is also suspiciously corrupt because it

took place only two months after the death of King Hamlet. Those circumstances cause

Hamlet to become extremely upset at his mother for her apparent lack of mourning and

helps support the idea of foul play King Hamlet’s death.

Another example of the rottenness in Denmark is King Hamlet’s death. Unknown

to the people of Denmark, it was Claudius who killed King Hamlet, and stole his crown

and his wife. Claudius had won the love of Gertrude and then murdered the King by

pouring the poisonous "juice of cursed hebona"(I.v.63) into his ear. This poison invaded

his defenseless body and "swift as quicksilver it courses through / The natural gates and

alleys of the body."(I.v.67) In a sense the poison used by Claudius spreads throughout

the entire country of Denmark.

Rottenness in Denmark is also seen in the ghost of King Hamlet. Just the sign of

a walking ghost is a bad omen in itself, a sign that something rotten will or has taken

place. The ghost has come to inform Hamlet that King Hamlet was murdered by

Claudius, who deprived him of a last opportunity to confess his sins. King Hamlet tells

the prince because of this he is doomed to spend his days within the purgatorial fires of

his prison and roam at nights. The ghost then calls upon Hamlet to avenge the murder.

Hamlet swears that he will, which will eventually lead to the total decay of him and his

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