Russell Brand's Brand: The Evolution Of Global Capitalism

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Capitalism has brought us any useful tools and systems: the laptop I type this on, the money I brought it with, the fame that means you 've heard of me and are reading this. We are nothing if not adaptive, and if these systems and tools have now fulfilled their function, or have become a hindrance, we owe them no loyalty, we must move on; it is not an unconditional commitment.
This is an extract from the book Revolution by the famous comedian Russell Brand. In this book Brand argues that current system of global capitalism is grossly unfair and is causing the destruction of the planet. Whist the purpose of this essay is not to convey an argument that is for or against the question; Brand’s quote does raise the point that capitalism is now interwoven into most aspects of our lives. In other words the impact of globalisation has been heavily influenced by the advancement of global capitalism. This essay will explore the evolution of global capitalism and how it has accelerated the process of globalisation. …show more content…

However this new economic system could not flourish unless companies could access cheap materials and labour so that they could extend the profit. Hence the powerhouses of Europe educed a period of colonisation throughout Africa, Asia, North and South America. In his writing Robinson refers to “epochs” or periods of capitalism, this expansion by the Europeans into new territories is known as an “epoch shift”; that is, “fundamental worldwide changes on social structure that modify and even transform the very functioning of the system in which we

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