Analysis and Commentary on Bill Gate´s Article: How to Fix Capitalism

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After having read through Bill Gates’ article “How To Fix Capitalism”, I agreed completely with the various ideas Bill Gates states and I believe that creative capitalism can and should be an effective way to make the world as a whole a better place overall. In the following essay I am going to attempt my hand at explaining the current situation, explaining some of the background that brought us to this situation, expound on what a government can try to do to help rectify the situation, expand on possible systems that can draw corporations to help and finally example of how corporations can start helping. Creative capitalism is an effective way to increase the wellbeing of humanity as a whole and should be encouraged.
The richest of humanity see the most of improvements, and the poorest of humanity see the least of these improvements. Through capitalism the world has changed tremendously in a short amount of time. A host of new technology has been innovated, especially in the last 100 years. Humanity as a whole is much better off than it was before. As an example, most of us are able to take an airplane to travel from one country to another in one day or have fairly easy access to advanced health care. In a word, like Bill Gates said in his article “How to Fix Capitalism”, “Capitalism has improved the lives of billions of people- something that’s easy to forget”(Gates). But, it is not getting better fast enough, and it is not getting better for everyone. A multitude of people live on less than a dollar a day and it can be extremely hard for a person in such a situation to drag themselves out of poverty without help from others. Capitalism has the ability to harness self-interest in a helpful and sustainable way but only on beh...

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...ome--this kind of innovation makes a huge difference. You're less tempting to rob if you're not holding any cash.(Gates)
In conclusion, creative capitalism is already afoot and doing its best but there is so much more that can be done. Many companies forget that the poorest two-thirds of the world's population have some $5 trillion in purchasing power between them. Governments can also help by investing in creating more creative incentives. They can also make sure corporations get the publicity for doing good work so to shine a good light on those that help others. Customers of these corporations can help by buying products from companies that help with society. If more companies follow the lead of the more creative organizations in their industry, they will make a large impact on some of the world's worst problems and together we can make a change for the better.

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