Analysis: Verification Vs. Validation

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Introduction The compendia monographs are generally considered reliable sources for the methods of analysis of both the raw materials (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, API’s and Excipients) and Finished Drug Products (FDP). However, because there are so many factors involved during the analysis, this includes for example the reagents grades and suppliers, different instruments variations, and the analysis personnel, therefore, double check of the mentioned method of analysis to confirm that it will meet the predefined requirements and the purposes it was created for is mandatory. This process of confirmation is known as either Verification or Validation BP and USP general chapters are almost the same concerning method of analysis validation, and have only minor differences mainly in the terminology; the ICH however is the harmonized where both terms are used and clarified. Verification vs. Validation The Method Validation is the whole process of performing all analytical tests (known as Analytical Performance Characteristics, APC’s) in order to ensure that the method will be applied successfully every time it is run. This should be done to all methods and procedures. Newly in house developed methods should follow the full validation scheme; however, the pharmacopeia ones need to be checked first whether full validation is required or only verification will be sufficient. The Verification process is defined as assessing selected Analytical Performance Characteristics, to generate appropriate relevant data rather than repeating the whole validation process. It is also part of the requirements in the 21 CFR 211.194(a)(2) in the current Good Manufacturing Practices and by the FDA regulations. Accordingly, the compendia analytic... ... middle of paper ... ...ques, the rest of the components can be separated during the analysis itself. It is a difficult to assure in chromatography whether the peaks within a sample are pure or consist of more than one compound (overlapped peaks). The analyst should know how many compounds are in the sample which is not always possible. Therefore, the target compound peak (e.g., API or a specific impurity) should be evaluated for purity. UV-visible diode-array detectors and mass spectrometers play are employed during this phase of the method validation. In case of the assay, demonstrating specificity requires the procedure to prove that it is unaffected by the presence of impurities or excipients. In practice, this can be done by spiking the drug product with the appropriate levels of impurities or excipients, and check if the obtained peaks are representative of only one compound or not.

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