Making Mistakes In Parker Palmer's Let Your Life Speak

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I strongly believe that making mistakes are important, even if there may be repercussions for other people. In Order to succeed you must make mistakes. Otherwise you have no way of improving on whatever you succeeded at. While your mistakes may cause you or people around you harm. Since you have made that mistake you now know how to correct and fix that mistake if it ever occurs again in the future. Without mistakes you have now way in which you may be able to find the truth. This quote from the passage adapted from Parker Palmer's 'Let Your Life Speak' shows a clear example of just that. " I have no idea how I could have learned the truth about myself and my calling with the mistakes I have made." This shows that you can stumble upon and be able to find the real you; Simply by making mistakes in order to know what your real true calling is supposed to be. …show more content…

In Order to formulate and create that accurate and correct final result. There must be at least one mistake that you came across in which helped guide you to that final error less result. To have that happen you must have in mind that you will make mistakes and you will be ok with that happening. For every lab conclusion there needs to be at least three sources of error. The three sources of error that occurred throughout the entire experiment in which was performed.
Parker Palmer's 'Let Your Life Speak' shows a perfect example of exactly that. It says " Our lives are like experiments with truth and in an experiment mistakes such as negative results are at least as important as any successes." This just shows that mistakes are the best steps to help place you on a path onto receiving your goal which is in the end finding overall success in all that comes your

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