Analysis Of When You Ride Alone

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Posters were used during World War II by the U.S. government to get a significant message across to their citizens. To analyze a poster it is important to think about the choice of color, placement of words and images, shapes, and emotional appeal ( Lunsford and Ruszkiewicz 91). All of these factor into the message the author is trying to explain to its viewers visually. In the poster “When You Ride Alone,” the message the author was trying to get across to Americans was the importance of carpooling. This poster successfully conveys the message through the words,color scheme and representation of objects. During World War II the United States government regulated the consumption of natural resources such as rubber ,metals, and gas (Davis …show more content…

These two colors draw the viewer’s eye to look directly at words first then to the picture located in the middle. The text says, “When you ride ALONE , you ride with Hitler,” is highlighted in black. The color black represent power and control and that also emphasizes who Hitler was.The text located on the bottom of the page, “Join a car-sharing club today,” is highlighted yellow and that colors represent positivity and energy. Also, the color of the text is a mirror image of the problem and solution. “When you ride ALONE, you ride with Hitler” highlights the problem the United States is trying avoid. “Join a car-sharing club today” is the solution to how the United States can stop their …show more content…

The reaction and effectiveness of this poster might have been different in today’s society because Americans take full advantage of carpooling. The creation of Uber and Lyft are methods Americans use to carpool. This poster marked the beginning of a new tradition in American culture. Carpooling since 1945 has been a method to save gas and money. Overall during my analysis, I was able to put myself in the mindset of an American citizen during this time period. In today’s society, this poster would be effective to Americans including myself because we actually take advantage of carpooling in our daily

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