Analysis Of Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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History Analysis on The Jungle This paper is analyzing The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. There are four topics that will be analyzed throughout the paper: the first is immigration, the second is industrialization, the third is industrial capitalism, and the fourth is urbanization. Once those four topics are covered, then the major consequences from the book that affected the world in a way will be revealed. “The Jungle revealed the consequences of the quick spread of technology, the flood of immigration, the urbanization of the population, the centralization of finance, and the domination of government by business.” This paper is supporting the claim. Immigration is when a person is moving to a foreign country to live there permanently. …show more content…

In the story, it was mentioned that pork was being made by the help of machinery. To get the job done faster, each person would have their own task, this is called taylorism. Taylorism is based on time; there is much work to be done. Each person has to do their own job, but they need to move fast so they will not get behind. For example, one man would cut the throat of the pig, while the other would do something else with the carcass. Jurgis was fortunate enough to have easy work, he caught on quickly. For each hour he would get seventeen and a half cents. Jurgis noticed that most of the guys hated their work (Sinclair). For wages and income, the people did not get paid much for being in a tough and non caring working environment. People worked really hard back then, they mainly did everything by hand, the work days and hours were basically for the whole day until the sun went down. Fortunately, people started to create machines to help out with the labor. Machines have been a big help to workers, because they do not have to work as hard. Since machines are programmed to be perfect, everything will be good on the machines part, unless the machine malfunctions someday. With the help of machines, there will be less human error with the production process. Industrialization was reviewed; industrial capitalism is the next topic this paper will give information …show more content…

What happened in the food industry was mostly private. When people begin to read The Jungle they became more aware of what really went on in the food industry. When the truth came out, mostly everyone was disgusted or concerned. What happened was called muckraking; muckraking means “exposure.” The food industry was nasty because the food they were making was not pure (Sinclair). This is why the Food and Drug Act came into existence in 1906. Basically labels need to be on every product so people can know what is inside the product. The Food and Drug Act also try to prevent poisonous food from being consumed. The Food and Drug Act makes people feel better and safe when consuming various foods. The second outcome is with welfare capitalism and labor unions. A fire happened at Triangle Shirtwaist Company on 1911. The women had a hard time trying to escape from the building and one door was even locked. This is an example of power and control. This was not right because the women were basically being treated like slaves. Welfare capitalism and labor unions are nice for the people because people have more benefits. At first the work places use to be in total control of people and people were treated unfair with hardly any benefits. Now people have more control today and jobs try to work more with people. The third outcome is with imperialism. Imperialism

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