Analysis Of Thomas C. Foster's 'Maleficent'

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Behind each movie lies the meaningful aspects and significant details worth noticing. All movies and books can be carefully examined and interpreted. Thomas C. Foster’s How to Read Literature Like a Professor provides a new view on interpreting literature. In the novel, Foster identifies and analyzes common patterns, themes, and motifs found in literature, many of which are also present in Disney’s new film, Maleficent. This movie showcases several of his techniques, including quests, flight, geography, and symbolism. These are only a few characteristics that shape the movie into an enjoyable and thought-provoking experience for the audience.
The concept of having a character go on a quest is ubiquitous in most stories and movies. A quest is …show more content…

The film features massive thorns, tangled tree roots, landscapes of trees and waterfalls, hills, and also the mystical creatures that inhabit the land. Foster points out that “...landscape and architecture and weather … merged as neatly with mood and tone to set a story in motion” (Foster 166). In the movie, the thorns and tangled roots immediately set a foreboding and gloomy tone. Foster mentions that geography not only includes physical surroundings, but also the people that live there. The creatures living in Maleficent’s kingdom resembled her imagination. In addition, geography was used in this film to set characters apart from each other. Maleficent and her land was isolated from her rival and ex, King Stefan. This geographical separation actually added to the tension of the plot by establishing the apparent enemies and hatred toward each other. distance “Geography can also define or even develop character” (Foster 167). The dark setting of the movie developed Maleficent’s dark soul and her frightening appearance. Geography is more than a part of the setting of a story,
After reading and analyzing Foster’s novel, I’ve learned that nearly all movies incorporate several of his techniques. The movie Maleficent presented a well-rounded use of Foster’s ideas. The use of these common patterns and themes enriches the movie and its plot that is brought upon to the audience. It’s these details that many readers and viewers absentmindedly overlook in stories and movies. Each movie is creatively constructed and produced to entertain the audience and allow them to interpret the film in their own, unique

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