Analysis Of The Movie ' By Samuel Jackson

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What message does our society give to African American children about their values and worth as human beings? Our society stigmatizes African Americans as trouble makers causing crime and forming gangs, which has led to many African American children to give themselves less worth or self-value. The main reason why this stigma is enforced in our society is because of movies and television shows has portrayed the African American community in a negative light. There was an article that Samuel Jackson wrote titled, “In Character”, in which he explains that before he became Marvels shield agent, Nick Fury and Jedi master, he suffered what many other African American males actors suffered which was portraying a criminal or being the first to be killed off. He explains that Hollywood is racist and sexist because the Hollywood bigshots only care about is weather it makes money. (Jackson 2013: 242-243) Movies are away a for a young child to inspire themselves and if a African American child see other African Americans as criminals in a children’s show or movie then they are going to believe that all their value and worth is nothing. But soon there will be a movie coming out with a lead black super hero called, Black Panther, to be released in 2018. This will hopefully give African American children insight that not all superheroes are white and can lead the way for more movies with leading black actors for children’s movies. Also I’d like to point out that before princess Tina, the first black Disney princess, there were mainly white princess being marketed as beautiful women. In the documentary A Girl Like Me I noticed that during testing over what color of doll will a child chose that a little girl who chose the white doll, then was to...

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...more specific we are all Homo sapiens. Jefferson Fish wrote that the reason why people look differently around the world is because of evolution, “our species evolved in Africa from earlier forms and eventually spread out around the planet. Over time, human populations that were geographically separated from one another came to differ in physical appearance.” (Fish 2011: 218) Race was conceived to classify different heritages or cultural traits. Although many would believe that race is defines hereditary looks for an off spring. There is no biological basis for classifying race because the traits that people receive depends on variability.(Fish 2011:219) An example of this is the red haired or albino genetics which is spread through all ethnicities. Thus, race was create by our society to define a cultural group and has nothing to do with our biological system.

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