Analysis Of The Mckinney-Vento Homeless Act

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Social Analysis
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Act of 1987 is a federal law program that provides money for homeless shelter programs as well as special protections for homeless children. It was the first act of its kind to be signed into law on a federal level. Originally, known as the McKinney Act, it was first established in the state of Illinois and later amended to become the McKinney-Vento Act in the year 2000. Under the McKinney-Vento Act, there are a total of fifteen programs and nine titles to protect the homeless. Some of the services that the act provides to the homeless include but are not limited to are emergency shelter, transitional housing, and healthcare. On a state level, a program that has been enacted to address the …show more content…

We know the population that we are dealing with and how to serve with them. In most cases, the issue that we notice is the underfunding of the programs that better support this population. Our efforts to deal with the issue are not, in accord with the research findings. I say that because the number of homeless individuals that we have in the state are not consistent with the amount of homeless people that are being served. Typically, people affected by homelessness are the extremely poor and in some cases people who recently experienced major life changes such as divorce, job transitions, and the elderly who can no longer work. However, children are also, in most cases, impacted by homelessness. Usually, this is due to their care being the responsibility of an adult who happens to be …show more content…

A system is defined as an “organized whole made up of components that interact in a way distinct from their interactions with other entities and which endures over some period of time (Schriver, 2018, pg 60, para 4). The people who are homeless are the focal system in this instance and that system is experiencing entropy. Within the programs of the McKinney-Vento Act, there is a linkage transferring energy to the people who are in need. This effort and energy is communicated to the focal system in order to eventually accomplish and maintain homeostasis (Schriver, 2018 pg 60

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