Analysis Of The Evil Stronghold, Created By Man

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The Evil Stronghold, Created by Man
To approach a topic such as the “theodicy” problem, we have to agree on a couple of issues. First, the belief that the word of God is infallible. As the following verse says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works (2 Timothy 3:16-17, King James Version).” Second, the bible tells us, God is a God of love. With this knowledge, a true God of Love had to give man a choice. Man had to have “Free Will” to accept Gods love or deny it. Evil came from the selfishness of man.

God’s Word is Infallible
If one cannot agree the word of God …show more content…

We have too readily admit evil is a problem that seems to get worse day by day. If it can be very hard for a Christian to understand how this can be then I could only imagine how much harder, it is for an unbeliever. The bible made it clear God was a God of love. He desired his creation, our human race, to love him and be with him daily in the Garden of Eden. Could God have truly loved a race of people that he never gave a choice to love him back or who are not also free to resist him (Bennet 1938)? This choice left the unnerving opportunity for evil to fester in this world. why go any further in trying answer the age old question: If there is a God, why is there so much evil in the world today? This question seems to be the one that most Christians struggle with on a daily …show more content…

In 1 Corinthians 13, the word of God told us about the patience and kindness of God. It said love does not boast, God does not brag of how powerful he is. We are also told it is not proud. God’s love is not rude and it is not self-seeking. God 's love is not easily angered. He has much patience and grace for all of us. Gods keeps no record of wrongs we do. He is a true forgiver and holds no grudges against us. God’s love does not delight in wicked ways but celebrates with the truth and it always safeguards, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. God 's love never fails. With knowing all this about him, it can only show love is an attribute of God. Love is the central feature of God’s character. God’s love is in no way in a struggle with His holiness, righteousness, justice, or even His wrath. All of God’s features are in flawless harmony. Everything God does is loving, just as everything He does is just and right. God is the perfect example of true

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