Analysis Of Waldo Peirce By George Wesley Bellows

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George Wesley Bellows piece Waldo Peirce represents a portrait of a man that was completed in 1920s and shown to the public. This artwork was created through the use of impressionism and realism; artist Bellow was inspired through the French predecessors and was commissioned through a wealthy patron to paint this portrait for Waldo Peirce. It is a museum purchase, gift of the Charles E Merrill Trust with match funds from the M/J de Young Museum Society. Artist George Wesley Bellows was born on August 12, 1882 and raised in Ohio. Later, he passed away on January 28, 1925 in New York. He has his mother and a republican building contractor father. Bellow first artwork is “The Cross Eyed boy” and done amazing art pieces throughout his career as …show more content…

The light is glowing around where he is sitting and some part of his face is brighter as well. The consistent light source when I look at the bright. The light does not create the mood because he looks directly at us without a pleasing facial expression. The space is shallow and opened because we see only him and in a shallow depth space and emphasis solid intervals by where he is sitting. The main interest is near the foreground where we do not see if he is sitting on a platform or on a seat because the object is not there. This painting is a portrait that was commissioned to draw a portrait of him by an artist. It reflects on impression and realism through the effects of light and …show more content…

The American impressionists rejected the traditional way of how historical subject was in favor because of the idealized vision of modern life and from the salon. The exhibition is for artist and for modern space to sell their artwork. The portraits of wealthy patrons often emphasized traditional gender roles, especially for women back in those days. Several American artists studied in European academics in the capitals of Europe where they learned their methods and aesthetic ideals. When Artist Bellows painted the portrait of Waldo Peirce, Waldo Peirce was an educated man who was famous for his paintings and throughout his artistic career as a painter and public persona. He was in World War 1 and he drove ambulances, and later died at Massachusetts at the age of 85. He went through four marriages and now alone. This portrait can correlate and have similarities with the Rembrandt van Rijin Self-portrait because it has similar facial expression. This self-portrait has a staff on his left hand and Waldo Peirce portrait has a staff in his right hand. Therefore the eyes have different perspective that tells a slight story of apprehension. They have similar brush strokes in the portraits as I look closer into it. Both portraits were during the World War 1 and World War II significantly transformed the European politics, economics and culture. The “Great War” as World War 1 has impact and carries

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