Technological Determinism Essay

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Thomas P. Hughes once mentioned that “A technological system can be both a cause and effect; it can shape or be shaped by society” (p.112). When describing the influence of culture on today’s societal changes, the emerging trend of technological determinism fits the role. Technological determinism is the phrase that describes how technology influences the evolution of humans. One might describe technological determinism as “How who we are is determined by the tools we invent and use.” The reason why I choose this topic is because I personally believe that I am a part of the generation where the role of technology quickly became significant in our society and I was interested in learning more about how it actually shaped our future. The progression of technology has allowed people to shape the future of teaching and learning in education institutions. Sadly, the negatives effects of technological determinism would be the constant desire of being a part of the newest technological trends by following others. The following article that will be presented to assist as evidence of technological determinism involved in educational systems are by Kathrin Dodds, Donnell Callender and Cynthia Henry. The next article that proposes the studies of herd behavior in the adoption of technology is written by Heshan Sun.
An article that would defend the idea of present idea of technological determinism in our society would be by Kathrin Dodds, Donnell Callender and Cynthis Henry. These authors propose that the Texas Tech University Libraries is a team that has an interest of finding new, interactive ideas to teach, research and promote learning. Within the popularity of the use of the Apple iPad arising, this team decided to further investigate ...

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... interactive techniques. The people who take advantage of the newest technological devices would be a part of the society that is emerging from the trend of technological determinism. Student and faculties of schools would like to see the integration of technology in institutions for better interaction and many other possibilities for better learning experiences. Other studies have proven that the direct influence of using technology allows others to imitate the use of technology which advances the popularity of electronics in society. My thesis was shown to be unique because it states that technological determinism is certainly one of the defining trends that impact the constant changes in society. Future implications on this trend would include that the use of technology is not inferior to our growth, it allows the future to be shaped into a more advanced society.

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