Analysis Of Ta-Nahesi Coates 'Article Letter To My Son'

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Ta-Nahesi Coates’ Article entitled “Letter to My Son” is an essay about living with a black body. In his article he explains many of the hardships and fears that he grew up with. He then goes further on to talk about slavery and his quest to search for black heroes while spending time at Howard University. He then finally ties it all together by talking about his son and fearful experience that he had. I think that Ta-Nahesi Coates essay was very powerful in covering a large number of racist issues that existed in the past and still exist today. Firstly, one issue that Ta-Nahesi Coates discussed was the dream of living in a white body. In his article he described being a kid in Baltimore and dreaming that one day he could walk to school with no fear, have that large Television in his living room, and enjoy the many other privileges of …show more content…

He talked about how in his history books the civil was only briefly examined. He said that he was confused by this because it not only cost 600,000 lives and had a very important outcome. It was the end of slavery. It ended 250 years of lifestyle for African Americans. This lifestyle was one that oppressed what it means to be human. He then goes on to talk about the lifestyle of modern day African Americans. It is a lifestyle of excessive and necessary fear. He talks about how easily a body can be taken from this world because of its skin color. Eric Gamer, Renisha Mcbride, John Crawford, and Trayvon Martin, are just a few examples of a long list of lives that were wrongly taken. When Ta-Nahesi Coates listed these names evoked a sense of sadness in me. It was very effective at helping me better understand how issues of racism today are down played and undermined. By using this example he shows that the need for fear is necessary because if your African American and just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time you can end of in jail, or worse

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