Analysis Of Religious Phenomenon In The Grapes Of Wrath, By William James

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A religious phenomenon is something that is unusual and occurs out of the ordinary where someone hears or sees something through a dream or throughout the day without the presence of hallucinogenic drugs. Some people claim they have seen the devil, heard trumpets in the sky, seeing the gates of heaven or even witnessing weeping and bleeding statues and any other resemblances of Jesus. A book was written about religious phenomena written by William James who was a philosopher and psychologist from NYC. In the book, he has four criteria for people who have trouble defining the experience they had. William James created the following criteria and said they are the main points of all religious and mystical experiences. These four are: Ineffable- “experience beyond proper description, no adequate description can be given in words. Language limitations prevent description.” Noetic- “not just feelings, but a profound and direct knowledge of God which could not have been achieved through reason alone. The truth was revealed to them.” Transient- “the experience is temporary and …show more content…

The vision that happened to Hiram Edson after the great disappointment was also passive as he had no control over what he saw that day. This vision agrees with what James's four criteria which are said to be the main points of all religious experiences, as well as Habels view on what a religious experience is as Hiram Edson is a believer of the Millerite movement and entered a relationship/gained awareness of a particular religion in which Hiram believed in. This vision that Hiram witnessed occurred after the 2300 days and witnessed Jesus in the holy of holies. Daniel 8:14 says that after the 2300 days, the sanctuary shall be cleansed, this verse agrees with what Hiram saw on the day in his

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