Analysis Of On Compassion By Barbara Lazear Ashleys

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Compassion is a odd thing. Compassion is a hard emotion to identify. One act of kindness, may not be identified as such. That act of kindness can be seen as an act of pity. Compassion is a really odd thing, as there is no way to really explain compassion to the person looking in. to the one watching, it may look like an act of kindness, of compassion, but does that on looker really know if that action was an action of goodwill or annoyance? In Barbara Lazear Ashleys article “On Compassion.” Her idea of compassion is analyzed. As a new yorker, Asher looks primarly to the way homeless people are treatedand looked upon.Are the gifts these beggers recieve really from deep feelings of compassion? Or is it something forced? Throughout the essay, she uses questions like these, that leads the audience to answer these questions in their head. By asking these questions the reader can realized Ashers points without her coming out and saying it pointblank. …show more content…

For example, she starts off her essay with a story of a homeless man approaching a mother alone with her young child. After awhile, the mother hands out a dollar for the homeless man to take.He takes it. Then wals away. After this story, Asher asks a simple staright to the point question,”was it fear or compassion that motivated the gift?” This simple quesion engages the reader further into her essay, and makes them question themselves. The reader reads these questions and cant help but to read more and more of Ashers

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